Transgender Voice

Singing with the Transmasculine Changing Voice

James is a 21-year-old transgender baritone. Before hormone replacement therapy, he comfortably sang with the range of a high tenor in choir. At 17 years old, he started taking testosterone which caused his voice to drop and resettle to a baritone range. Even though the process is not easy, he is dedicated to research and advocacy for transgender singers in the vocal community.

He first presented his presentation Supporting Singers with the Transmasculine Changing Voice: Considerations for Music Educators in 2023 at the New Hampshire Music Educator's Association (NHMEA) Fall Conference in Nashua, NH. He has since also presented at the Academic Excellence Conference (AEC) at Keene State College in April 2024 and the Maine Music Educator's Association (MMEA) Conference.

James continues to pursue opportunities to present his research and experience as well as connect with other transgender vocalists and allied Music Educators.

"Before this year's AEC, meet James Slipp '25! A music performance major, James is passionate about his research into the effects hormone replacement therapy has on vocal changes and how to continue to support transgender vocalists in the future."


Supporting Singers with the Transmasculine Changing Voice: Considerations for Music Educators

Supporting Singers with the Transmasculine Changing Voice: Considerations for Music Educators, focuses on adolescent and young adult singers with the transmasculine changing voice in the general music classroom, voice studio, and choral ensemble setting. There is insufficient research regarding how hormone replacement therapy (HRT) affects transgender vocalists, therefore music educators continue to seek further guidance to enhance this aspect of their teaching approach. 


Due to fear of vocal damage or loss of progress in vocal technique, many transgender vocalists are hesitant to pursue HRT treatment that could benefit their overall quality of life. This presentation will highlight several social and artistic challenges for transmasculine vocalists. Discussion will include the impacts of hormone replacement therapy on vocal tone, range, and intonation throughout the presenter’s voice change process. Vocal techniques to encourage a healthy development for trans vocalists will be modeled along with a discussion regarding characteristics of developmentally appropriate repertoire suitable for a changing voice. 


An aural example of a transmasculine vocal change, following my vocal change from Pre-T to 3 years on testosterone with noticeable changes in range, tessitura, and timbre. With of course the addition of technique improvement over time.


A visual example of a transmasculine vocal change using my personal range and tessitura Pre-T to 2 years on testosterone.

*red only addresses chest voice range Pre-T

Range (1st yr)

Range (2nd yr)